totally under construction) we headed for Grenada, but not before we snapped a shot of our $65 a night hotel room in a building which was so under renevation that it tooks us almost 30 minutes or driving around a 500m radious of it until we could find a way into the parking lot.
Not only does construction make this city crazy, but we thought the drivers were just as crazy so we decided not to bike here and drive a little before we took in some scenery.
Driving more south we saw not just kilometers of oranges trees, but 10's of km's of orange trees. IT was truly mesmorizing to see every little space being used up with trees. They were even on hills analogous to how California grows vines of grapes in stair steps on hills. However here was jad stairsteps of orange trees.
We stopped in Murcia for a little spin and enjoyed our first ride
in the Sierra's. A slew of mountain ranges each with it's own name. This one was Sierra epunia (I think) and once we found the entrance it was a nice gradual up until we decided to stop. The view was amazing and little did we know we were going to see so much more...Now did I mention how funky the art is here? On our way back to the car I came across this beautiful yet weird artifact in the middle of the road.
2 Kommentare:
thanks for all the photos and updates, I look forward to them .
Merry Christmas you two - thanks for the diary of all your travels - sounds like a blast!!!
Felicia and Gus
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