could take a single train or bus to, we found one in Ste. Croix which involved two trains and one bus. This alone was enough to discourage us from skate-skiing, so we decided to bike the 50+km instead to see exactly where this was. Yverdon was at the end of the second train and that ended up being our final point after we hit -6 degrees C! Yup this was a no-picture going there ride because there was NO way I was taking my gloves off and I am glad Taz was there to suffer with me as my face literally froze during this one 10km long cross wind section. Wow, talk about cold! I wonder if in some sick way this is good skin treatment? IE kill off all the surface skin cells so I regrow new ones??? In any case we hit Yverdon after 1.5 hours and needed a warm coffee shop. Luckily, downtown had some open ones which we charged for ignoring all the nice little cobblestone street vendors and Christmas displays and songs being played in the town square. Yup there is Taz with his star hazelnut cake looking a little worse for wear. Of course once we had our coffee and hot chocolate we were in much better moods. Speaking of which.. I am getting the best hot-chocolates here!
We stalled as much as we could. I even tried heating up my clothes using the water heater in the bathroom. :) But alas it was time to go. Being brave, I clicked a few shots....
Town center:
The way home was more enjoyable. Either the wind died down or it was the entirely new route we found which was more sheltered, had a little climb in it and went in and out of villages. Or I took going tempo more seriously. :) I have no idea where we went. We followed some bike paths, some city names we knew and we eventually ended up right by my work. And, after two weeks I know about half a dozen ways to get home from my work so we were good. So, 1:40 minutes later, we were now very happy to climb 3 flights of stairs to our super cozy and warm apartment. The end result....The roadrunner finally figured out the exact clothing combinations and Taz kinda had a little frostbite on his toes...he needs an extra layer and can be seen using the oven for something other than baking...
TAZ (above) and the roadrunner's full kit.
3 Kommentare:
Taz=photos from middle of the lake?
Amazing You guys sound like your having fun.
i wish i was there, it looks like a beautiful country.
Hope to visit next tiem you go.
They are coming. I am getting my rowing fitness up on the ergs before I venture out onto the water. The next calm day I am there. ;)
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