Sonntag, 6. Januar 2008

Around Lake Geneva

The plan was to head north around the lake, then east, south, and north again hoping to catch the colder part of the lake earlier. It was cloudy, but the sun was shinning when I left.

So, off I ventured for what I knew would be at least 5.5 hours, or so I was told. First off on the route, were the wineries, then I got some awesome views of the Swiss and French Alps, and of course Lake Geneva (or Lac Leman in Swiss-land) On the left side are the Swiss and on the right are the French. Can't really tell the difference only that I know when I look out our my aparment window, I am facing Evian and the French Alps!

I hit the town of Evian at about 2 hours, and well, it was getting cloudy and it started drizzling abit. Hey, what's a bit of rain??? About 2.5 hours into it, I caved, stopped and put on my rain jacket. Again what's a bit of rain??? While I was stopped this Frenchman passed me by and when I got back on the bike I could see him in the distance so I tried to catch him to find out where he was going. Well it turned out he was heading to Lausanne. Claude, turned out to be my saviour. :) He knew the way and he gave me some chocolate and tea when I bonked after about hour 5. He also proved to be crazily strong after I caught up to him. He drilled the first hill and my eyes were popping out, and then he peddled so slow on the descents that I almost passed him, but didn't want to be impolite, and then later I was just happy to hang in his draft. And going through the little villages, he stopped at the lights...Ok, I went along with it, until the last hour where I just went to the front and just ran the lights because my fingers were freezing and going numb at this point.

In any case, it rained for 4 straight hours on us and I was drenched all the way through and covered in mud when I got home. Oh, and I got a good taste (yuck) of the French and Swiss roads because Claude didn't have any fenders! So, yes, got home and my fingers were so cold that I couldn't even bend my fingers to take off my 4 layers. (yup had 4 on today). Thank god, Taz was there to great me, strip me and toss me in the shower. Oh, and did I mention pasta and Camomille tea were on the table when I got out of my 20 minute steamy shower?

Next time, when it's sunny and I find a group of people to do this, I will click some pictures because I took no more after it started raining and I am sure there were lots of things to see.

1 Kommentar:

Rye hat gesagt…

Sounds like the same lovely weather we're having over here, but I think you and Taz have the better scenery. Can't wait to see you guys, when you get back.